Black Great Dane Leevindane “Lead me on Mr Cole”
Born June 3rd 2012.

Great Dane Champion Show Titles/Wins
Titles: Ir Ch, Dutch Ch, Danish Ch, Int Ch, Ir Jun Ch .
Multi Green Star Winner : Multi Reserve Green Star Winner.
Multi CACIB Winner in several European Countries.
CAC: 3 Netherlands , 1 Luxembourg, 2 Jun CAC Switzerland. CACIB: 3 Netherlands. Best of Breed: 3 BOB in Ireland, (2 Reserve), 2 BOB Netherlands and 1 Reserve.
Best Male and Opposite Sex Irish Great Dane Club Show 2013.
Best Black Dane Of the year 2014 (IGDC Top 20 Winning Danes 2014).
Qualified IGDC Top 20 Winning Danes 2015.
Crufts Qualified for Life /Stud Book Winner KC
Health Tests
Health Tested for : Heart Doppler: Elbow: Hips
Great Dane Stud Services Fresh and Frozen Semen Available : Proven at Stud having produced Ch progeny in several European countries.
Black Great Dane Champion – Leevindane Lead Me On Mr Cole.
I am delighted to announce that our home bred Black Great Dane Leevindane Lead Me On Mr Cole has just been awarded CAC, CACIB and BOB at the Rotterdam Show to make him Netherland Ch and Int Ch. Mr Cole has been shown lightly in Europe and Ireland and has performed fantastically well on every occasion that he has presented. He is a slow maturing boy just like his Dad “Aramis” who really began to come into his own at three years of age. Mr Cole has now reached that age and we hope to see the best of him in the coming years. This is Mr Cole’s 3rd CAC in the Netherlands and he now has won CACIBs in several countries and can add the International title having fulfilled the Year and a day rule for CACIB.
Our First Leevindane Black Great Dane Champion and 5th Great Dane to gain the International Ch Title. We are further delighted by the fact that Mr Cole is a home bred Leevindane Dog making the success that little bit sweeter.
Well done to my wife M Leeper Nevin on handling yet another Leevindane dog to a Sh Champ and Int Champ Title. So proud.!! I should mention special thanks to Jeanette Park and Ray from Rayjen Kennels for allowing us to take ownership of “Beauty”, Mr Cole’s Mum and for all their help along the way.